Free Army of China
简称 “ 自民党” ,1998年12月4日,在北京成立。 因为在组织和领导多次大规模的上访维权运动中,多人被抓被捕被监禁被判刑。时至今日,本党的先驱和勇士们,以及很多不屈不挠的战士,仍然被关押在不同的监狱里服刑。 致使党的组织和事业遭受到重大挫折和严重挑战。
为了进一步发展党的事业和加强党的建设,在海外,本党主要是吸收由流亡到海外的上访维权参与者 、其他受到政治迫害与不公正待遇的受害者、中产阶级和资产阶级人士、中共体制内的反叛人士、中国大陆留学生、海外华人和华商、学者、以及国际友好人士等反抗共产主义法西斯暴政的有识之士组成.
Liberal Democratic Party of China
Abbreviated as "自民党",Liberal Democratic Party of China (LDP) it was founded on December 4, 1998, in Beijing. Due to its organization and leadership in numerous large-scale petitioning and rights protection movements, many people have been arrested, detained, and sentenced. To this day, many pioneers, warriors, and determined fighters of the party remain imprisoned in different prisons, resulting in significant setbacks and serious challenges to the organization and cause of the party.
In order to preserve the revolutionary flame, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and fighting style of the party, some members of the party have stepped out of China and continued to uphold the banner of the party overseas, becoming an independent overseas Chinese democratic movement organization; to further develop the cause of the party and strengthen its construction, overseas, the party mainly consists of knowledgeable individuals who resist the communist fascist dictatorship, including petitioning and rights protection participants who have fled overseas, other victims of political persecution and unfair treatment, middle-class and upper-class individuals, rebels within the Chinese Communist system, mainland Chinese students studying abroad, overseas Chinese and Chinese businessmen, scholars, and international friends.
The current president of the Liberal Democratic Party is Mr. Tian Min.
简称 “ 自民党” ,1998年12月4日,在北京成立。 因为在组织和领导多次大规模的上访维权运动中,多人被抓被捕被监禁被判刑。时至今日,本党的先驱和勇士们,以及很多不屈不挠的战士,仍然被关押在不同的监狱里服刑。 致使党的组织和事业遭受到重大挫折和严重挑战。
为了进一步发展党的事业和加强党的建设,在海外,本党主要是吸收由流亡到海外的上访维权参与者 、其他受到政治迫害与不公正待遇的受害者、中产阶级和资产阶级人士、中共体制内的反叛人士、中国大陆留学生、海外华人和华商、学者、以及国际友好人士等反抗共产主义法西斯暴政的有识之士组成.
The abbreviation "自民党" Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), established in Beijing on December 4, 1998. Due to organizing and leading multiple large-scale petitioning and rights protection movements, many individuals were arrested, detained, and sentenced. As of today, pioneers, warriors, and numerous steadfast fighters of the party are still imprisoned in various jails, resulting in significant setbacks and serious challenges to the party's organization and cause.
In order to preserve the revolutionary spirit, inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions and fighting style, some members of the party ventured abroad from China, continuing to hold high the party's banner as an independent overseas Chinese democratic movement organization. Furthermore, to further develop the party's cause and strengthen its construction, overseas, the party mainly consists of individuals who have been forced into exile overseas due to participation in petitioning and rights protection activities, other victims of political persecution and unfair treatment, members of the middle class and bourgeoisie, rebels within the CCP system, mainland Chinese students studying abroad, overseas Chinese and businessmen, scholars, as well as international friends who are knowledgeable individuals resisting communist fascist tyranny.
自民党是一个致力于积极推进中国自由民主化进程的政治组织。其基本政治纲领为“ 以基督教现代文明为宗旨,抛弃中华大一统思想,脱亚入欧,保障自由市场经济,保护私有产权,尊重人权,维护社会公正,终结独裁专制统治,建设自由中国”。
从成立以来,制定的章程与政纲“ 和平非暴力运动和军事斗争行动” 与 “ 以中美同盟 ( G2 )为基轴,拓展外交布局 ” 条款,同时相互作用实现本党的政治目标 : “ 将中国建设成为自由民主的宪政国家”。
The Liberal Democratic Party is a political organization committed to actively promoting the democratization process in China. Its basic political program is "aiming for Christian modern civilization, abandoning the great unity of China ideology, transitioning from Asia to Europe, safeguarding a free market economy, protecting private property rights, respecting human rights, upholding social justice, ending dictatorship, and building a free China." Since its establishment, the party's charter and political program have interacted to achieve its political goals of "building China into a constitutional democratic country" through clauses on "peaceful non-violent movements and military struggle" and "expanding diplomatic layout with the Sino-US alliance (G2) as the axis."
依据目前的自民党章程,自民党代表大会是领导机构,中央委员会 ( 简称“ 中委会” )是决策机构和执行机构。
自民党在各地 ( 国外 )的分部组织,经过中委会授权后,由当地 ( 国外 )党员按照民主程序自行组建,自行选举负责人, 接受党代会的业务指导。
Organizational Structure According to the current charter of the Liberal Democratic Party, the party congress is the leading body, and the Central Committee (referred to as the "中委会") is the decision-making and executive body. The president of the Liberal Democratic Party can nominate candidates for vice president, secretary-general, and deputy secretary-general, who are appointed after being elected by all members of the party congress and approved, responsible for the daily operations of the Central Committee of the Liberal Democratic Party. The branch organizations of the Liberal Democratic Party in various places (overseas) are established and elected by local (overseas) party members in accordance with democratic procedures and authorized by the Central Committee to accept business guidance from the party congress. The Liberal Democratic Party congress is held every three years, and according to the charter, it can be held up to one month early or postponed up to six months.
(5)、 友好国家和友好国际组织的援助。
Sources of Funding
(1) Party dues paid by members.
(2) Expenses borne by members of the Central Committee out of their own pockets.
(3) Fundraising settlements in a dedicated manner.
(4) Donations from various sectors of society.
(5) Assistance from friendly countries and friendly international organizations.
中 国 自 由 民 主 党 政 治 纲 领
以 “ 基督教现代文明 ”为宗旨, 抛弃 “ 中华大一统思想 ” , “ 脱亚入欧” 成为文明世界成员, 实行以下救国救民措施 :
1、 还政于民,还产于民。
2、 实行产权私有化,私有财产神圣不可侵犯 。
3、 实行自由市场经济,自由竞争,反对市场垄断,鼓励企业做大做强。
4、 取缔户籍制度,全体国民在全国范围内完全实现自由迁徙和自由居留。
5、 实行联邦、市、县( 区 )三级行政体制,联邦政府主要负责国防与外交,市实行地方高度自治,县( 区 )以下实行公民自治。民族区域自治。
8、 全体国民在接受教育、选择就业和个人发展方面,机会均等。
9、 实行言论自由、出版自由、宗教信仰自由、政治正确自由。
10、 废除“ 仇恨教育”,实行“快乐教育” ,设立“ 基督教信仰”和 “普世价值观 ” 教程。
11、 主权在民,实行“ 全民立宪运动 ”,普及宪法和法律知识。
12、 实行分权制衡的宪政民主制度,各级政府和立法机构均由国民直接选举产生,小政府大社会。
13、 政府行政中立,公务员非党派化,立法与司法独立,军队国家化。
14、 实行“ 海洋法系 ”,注重 “ 程序正义 ”和“陪审团制度”,避免冤案发生。
15、 宪法和法律至上,国民的人权、人格尊严受到保护。
16 、 政治清算马列邪教黑帮组织—— 中国共产党。
17、 平反冤假错案,赔偿受害人损失。
18、 依靠民主制度,监督和制约政府腐败行为,实行国家公职人员财产公示制度。
19、 工人、农民有权建立自己的 “ 独立工会”、 “ 独立农会”,保障其合法权益;其他社会阶层人士有权组织“ 独立协会 ”、 “ 独立学会”,保障自身权益。
20、 在终结独裁专制政体过程中,实行 “ 和平非暴力运动与军事斗争行动 ” 相互配合的文韬武略,建立 “ 自由中国军团 ”, 简称 “ 自由军 ”,按照北约标准建军,军事指挥权由本党领导。
21、 联络其他党派组织,共同行动,实行相同目标。
22、 以“ 中美同盟 ( G2 ) 为基轴,拓展外交布局”,提出周边国家与热点地区外交政策 :
(1). 支持台海和平,反对武力改变现状,反对侵略台湾,海峡两岸两国两治,互不隶属,都是主权国家,台湾人民拥有自决权。
(2). 支持香港、澳门恢复原有的独立地位。
(4). 尊重与维持东中国海与钓鱼岛的现状。
(5). 尊重与维护中国与印度的边境现状。
(6). 俄罗斯和朝鲜必须归还非法占领的中国领土。
(7). 支持乌克兰反抗俄罗斯的无端侵略战争,谴责普丁的法西斯暴行。
(8). 支持以色列反击与灭亡邪恶轴心伊朗扶植的国际恐怖组织—— 巴勒斯坦的哈马斯武装、黎巴嫩的真主党民兵、也门胡塞武装,维护中东地区的和平与稳定。
(9). 继续保持和发展与其他国家的睦邻友好政策。
(10). 申请加入G7工业国和北约组织。
24、 保持开放态度,加强横向联系,与友好国家、友好政党、友好国际组织进行党际交流,保持沟通与协调,相互学习借鉴。
2023年10月 修改
Political Program of the Liberal Democratic Party of China
With "Christian modern civilization" as its aim, abandoning the "great unity of China" ideology and aiming to become a member of the civilized world by "escaping Asia and entering Europe," the following measures are implemented for the salvation of the country and the people:
Maintain an open attitude, strengthen horizontal connections, engage in inter-party exchanges with friendly countries, friendly political parties, and friendly international organizations, maintain communication and coordination, and learn from each other.
Modified in October 2023.
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